Custom Profiles Meeting Your Ideas

Are you seeking efficiency at every stage of the plastic profile supply chain for your assembly line?

We provide solutions by supplying custom-designed thermoplastic profile projects, allowing hundreds of companies to innovate their lines and stand out in their market. 

White lines used in kitchens and refrigerated products gain durability, safety, and modernity with our applied profiles. And the best part: they are fully customized to meet the ideas your company may have.

projetos customizados uniplast-
Custom Profiles

Antiviral Technology

We have developed an antiviral and antibacterial finish with studies proving over 96% effectiveness, which can be applied according to the needs of your sector. This finish is ideal for the food and beverage industry, as well as the medical and pharmaceutical fields. The value of your product will far exceed the market price, as it will provide greater sanitary safety for end users.

Antiviral and Antibacterial Finish

    • Effectiveness96%

    What will you find in our plastic profiles?

    Texture Variety

    Color Options

    High Resistance

    Perfect Fit


    Come talk to us!